Working together to find the best solutions
February 14, 2020
Message of thanks
March 19, 2020
Working together to find the best solutions
February 14, 2020
Message of thanks
March 19, 2020

Important Information About Coronavirus COVID19

Tivoli takes the welfare of our employees very seriously and balances this with ensuring service continues to all our clients. The following information is to help explain Tivoli’s position regarding COVID19 and the plans we have in place. If you have any specific questions, please raise these with a member of the HR or Health & Safety teams, or any member of our Senior Management team.

This statement has been updated following the Prime Minister’s public address on Monday 23rd March 2020, and in line with further Government advice and restrictions.

At present, Tivoli has no immediate concerns over our ability to deliver our services to clients where required. We are fortunate that our business activities are predominantly low-risk, as the vast majority of our work takes place outside and away from others, thus naturally reducing exposure risks. The Government has confirmed that Parks will remain open for public use; we also provide other essential services to our clients such as burial preparations, waste removal and MOD works. Therefore, we shall continue to support our clients with their maintenance and upkeep requirements until notified otherwise by our clients or guided by Government restrictions.

Tivoli has a Committee comprising of senior management for whom Business Continuity for COVID19 is a key responsibility.

We have revised and produced developed plans for Business Continuity to address the COVID19 outbreak.

Our employees have been receiving regular information and advice since the situation developed in February. They have received guidance on how they can prevent transmission and ensure business continuity since the Government announced their contingency plans to the public, and subsequent guidance updates.

The controls Tivoli has in place are consistent with Public Health England guidance and include but are not limited to:

  • Regular communications to all employees to follow the Government’s social-distancing guidelines and maintain good hygiene.
  • Clear and regularly updated instructions on what employees should do in the event they have symptoms, or have potentially come into contact with others displaying symptoms.
  • Full social distancing guideline instructions, including staying at home except for the following reasons:
    • To work, but only if you cannot work from home (Field Operatives only)
    • To shop for essentials, as infrequently as possible
    • For one form of exercise per day
    • For any medical need, or to provide care or help for a vulnerable person
  • Adapted fleet measures to introduce a ‘1 man per van’ travel policy.
  • Enhanced thorough cleaning processes and additional vehicle care, such as, housekeeping, wiping of the steering wheel, doors and handles, gear knobs, levers and controls. We have also increased the availability of sanitizing facilities for each team.
  • Our Interiors operatives are completing RAMS in line with client and company protocols and have introduced the use of latex gloves which are changed and discarded safely between site visits. The teams are all briefed to maintain a 2-metre distance from others at all times.
  • A Work At Home policy for all of our office-based employees, activated from 17th March until further notice.
  • Full details of the medical conditions that make up the vulnerable ‘high risk’ groups and guidance of specific measures for those individuals.
  • COVID19 risk assessments for those employees who have underlying health conditions or are pregnant, enabling bespoke advice and actions.
  • A policy of self-isolation for anyone who displays symptoms or lives in a household with someone displaying symptoms.

Tivoli’s COVID19 Committee correspond on a daily basis and meet as required to discuss the COVID19 situation. This ensures Tivoli is constantly up to date with Government and Public Health Advice, and our employees are well informed and prepared. Tivoli are monitoring the situation closely and will adapt our approach in line with any changes as they happen.

Please be assured that if any of our employees are self-isolating and have visited a client site within 14 days, then the client will be informed. This will be done carefully to balance the need and rights of employee privacy with the interests of welfare and public health. Any Tivoli employee who does visit a client site will be asked to adhere to the client’s local COVID19 procedures.

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