
Our Sustainability Approach & Annual Report

We have developed our sustainability approach based on 4 key themes: Community, Technology, People and Environment, each with 2 areas of action. These 8 core pillars of sustainability (shown below) align seamlessly with our company values, our mission, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 8 pillars guide our efforts to create lasting positive impacts on the environment, our communities, and the industry as a whole.

Tivoli 2023/24 Sustainability Annual Report cover


This is our first Sustainability Report – a milestone that reflects our deep commitment to integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business.

This report provides an overview of sustainability initiatives across the business from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, many working in partnership with our customers, and the progress we have made across the 8 pillars shown above.

As we continue to grow, our dedication to sustainable practices remains at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that we contribute meaningfully to a more sustainable future for all.

Click here to download our 2023/24 Sustainability Annual Report


Alongside developing our sustainability approach, we have identified a set of key performance indicators for each pillar. This will enable us to track our progress against our goals.

These KPIs are detailed in our 2023/24 Sustainability Annual Report. We are striving to collect the relevant data for the KPIs and hope to report on our progress in a future sustainability report.

We are also exploring supporting initiatives to implement in the future under each pillar, for further positive impact.

In addition, our Carbon Reduction Plan is a statement of the intent which applies to all relevant aspects in commitment to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2030.

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